How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

In this video, Vahid Bashi, DDS, notes how teeth whitening longevity varies, greatly determined by a patient’s diet and lifestyle.

The longevity of teeth whitening results can vary significantly depending on an individual’s dietary habits. Factors such as smoking or the consumption of staining substances like coffee can significantly shorten the duration of whitening effects. Foods and beverages that are highly acidic or pigmented have the potential to cause teeth to absorb pigments, gradually reducing the level of brightness achieved through whitening.

Typically, the effects of teeth whitening can last anywhere from four to six months, and in some cases, up to a year. However, the specific timeframe largely depends on an individual’s diet and lifestyle choices. To extend the duration of teeth whitening effects, it is advisable to minimize exposure to known teeth-staining substances and maintain a consistent regimen of good oral hygiene.

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Dr. Vahid Bashi has been passionately serving the Colorado Springs community with exceptional dental care since 2001. Before establishing his practice in Colorado Springs, Dr. Bashi honed his skills in Milwaukee, where he practiced for several years, laying the foundation for his illustrious career.

Dr. Bashi earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Marquette University. Further enriching his academic profile, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Utah. As a testament to his professional excellence and commitment to staying at the forefront of dental practices, Dr. Bashi is an esteemed member of several key dental associations. These include the American Dental Association, the Colorado Springs Dental Society, and the Colorado Dental Association.

Dr. Bashi’s practice philosophy centers around continuous improvement and technological advancement. He is fervently committed to integrating the latest technologies, continually upgrading equipment, and enhancing his professional skills through ongoing education. This dedication ensures that his patients receive the most advanced and effective dental treatments available.

Dr. Bashi believes in transparency and education, emphasizing the importance of patients being fully informed about his practice’s policies and methods. He understands that the more his patients know, the better he can serve their dental needs.

Dr. Bashi’s personal motto, “I strive for perfection and accept only excellence,” encapsulates his approach to dental care. This ethos not only reflects in his technical dental work but also in the compassionate, patient-centered care he provides.

your trusted Colorado Springs dentist

No Insurance? No Problem!

Dr. Vahid Bashi created the “Best Care Dental Plan” as a straightforward and affordable option to make dental care accessible and affordable to everyone. Costing less than $1 per day, this plan is an economical way to maintain your dental health, offering significant savings and benefits, especially if you don’t have regular dental insurance.

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At Best Care Dental, we believe everyone deserves access to best care. That’s why we offer several flexible financing solutions tailored to fit any budget; so you can get the best care you need, when you need it.

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