Dental Crowns in Colorado Springs, CO

25% of adults ages 20 to 64 currently have a cavity. When decay progresses and cavities become larger, a dental filling may not be enough to restore the tooth’s function. For teeth that have sustained considerable damage or have been treated with a root canal, dental crowns offer a tailored solution.

As a protective cap, crowns restore the tooth’s structure to improve its function. They create a barrier, preventing further damage to compromised teeth, enhancing their strength, and preserving your oral health.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a custom-made cap that’s placed over a tooth. It’s designed to cover the entire tooth, from the gumline to the bite surface. Crowns restore the shape, size, strength, and appearance of a tooth that is damaged or weakened. They essentially act like a protective cover, helping repair and strengthen a tooth and improving its look.

Uses for Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can use different materials, each with unique durability and purposes. These materials include porcelain, ceramic, zirconia, metal, and composite resin. They can also serve various purposes, catering to the diverse needs of patients seeking restorative dental solutions.

Restore Damaged Teeth

One of the primary uses of dental crowns is to restore teeth that have been significantly damaged. This could be due to injury, decay, or wear over time. If a tooth is cracked, chipped, or weakened, Dr. Bashi can place a crown to restore its original size and shape. This can help the tooth regain its strength and functionality. It also improves the tooth’s appearance and ensures that it can withstand the pressures of biting and chewing.

Protect a Treated Tooth

Teeth that have undergone root canal treatment often require extra protection. While the goal of a root canal is to save an infected tooth, the tooth can become fragile and susceptible to fractures. A dental crown provides a protective shell, covering the entire visible part of the tooth above the gum line. This strengthens the tooth and seals it against further infection and decay. Research shows that a tooth treated with a root canal will remain healthy for much longer when it is fitted with a dental crown.

Replace Missing Teeth

Dental Crowns in Colorado Springs, Co Vahid Bashi, DDSA dental bridge is a row of artificial teeth that fills a gap when a tooth is lost. The bridge has dental crowns on each end that attach to the adjacent teeth. These crowns act as anchors, providing stability and support to the bridge. By firmly securing the bridge, the crowns enable it to function like natural teeth, allowing for comfortable chewing and a natural appearance.

Dental crowns can also provide additional support for partial dentures. A crown can be placed on a remaining healthy tooth to strengthen it. The partial denture attaches to these support teeth to hold the denture in place and distribute biting and chewing forces more evenly.

Additionally, an artificial crown can attach to a mini dental implant to replace a tooth and enhance stability and function. If you are missing one or more teeth, mini dental implants are a superior replacement method. In one minimally invasive procedure, Dr. Bashi implants the titanium post directly into your jawbone, providing remarkable support for a dental crown. Moreover, the implant stimulates the jawbone, keeping it strong and healthy. This process not only enhances the appearance of your smile but also ensures long-term oral health by preventing bone loss and maintaining natural facial structures.

Preparing for Dental Crowns

The process of getting a crown is typically a multi-day process. When opting for a traditional crown, you’ll typically have two appointments with Dr. Bashi. During the initial visit, he will examine and prepare the tooth, which includes removing some enamel to make space for the crown. He’ll also take impressions and send them to a dental lab. There, lab technicians will craft your custom crown. We will place a temporary crown to protect your tooth while your personalized restoration is being fabricated.

When the crown is ready, you’ll return for a second visit when the custom crown is ready. At this time, Dr. Bashi will check the crown’s fit and permanently cement it to the tooth.

The procedure is similar when we replace missing teeth with an implant-supported crown. However, instead of removing enamel, Dr. Bashi will place the mini dental implant into the empty socket. Because mini implants are immediately stable, Dr. Bashi can place a temporary restoration on top of the implant during this same visit.

Embrace the Transformative Power of Dental Crowns

If your tooth is damaged or missing and you want to explore your options, contact us today. Addressing a range of oral health concerns, dental crowns serve as effective solutions by providing protection and restoration for damaged teeth or filling the gaps left by missing ones. Visit the Mini Dental Implant Center of America in Colorado Springs for a free consultation and discover why dental crowns are a trusted solution for tooth restoration.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of a dental crown depends on factors like material and tooth location.

While thousands of insurance providers and plans exist, most insurance policies cover crowns to some extent. We will file the insurance forms for you to maximize your benefits. We also offer convenient payment options through third-party financing companies. These flexible financing plans ensure you can get the restoration you need without worrying about financial strain.

At your free consultation, we’ll provide a personalized cost breakdown and explore insurance coverage and financing options to chart the best path forward.

Dental crowns typically last 10 to 15 years on average. Constructed from durable materials like porcelain or zirconia, crowns are designed to withstand wear and damage. Zirconia is harder than metal and can be shade-matched to blend in seamlessly with your smile. It offers both functional and aesthetic advantages over other materials and is even harder than your natural teeth!

Regular care and maintenance, including consistent oral hygiene practices and routine professional cleanings, can significantly contribute to the longevity of dental crowns. Adopting good oral care habits ensures the continued health and durability of both the crowns and the underlying teeth.

Dental crowns, especially those made of porcelain and zirconia, are highly resistant to staining—much more so than your natural teeth. However, certain factors can diminish their radiance over time. Consuming dark-colored foods or beverages and smoking can contribute to staining. It’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene and attend your regular six-month cleanings to minimize the risk of staining and preserve the appearance of your dental crowns.