Dental Sealants in Colorado Springs, CO

Dental sealants are a proactive choice for preserving the health of your teeth, especially in areas prone to cavities. This preventive measure significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay in vulnerable areas, contributing to cavity prevention and long-term oral health. While 4 in 10 children ages 6 to 11 have dental sealants on their teeth, our goal is to increase this number by educating parents and guardians about their benefits.

At the Mini Dental Implant Center of America, we offer dental sealants as a part of our general dentistry treatment range.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are like tiny shields for your teeth. They are protective coatings applied to the top of the teeth. By covering the tooth’s grooves, they prevent bacteria from accumulating in the tooth. Sealants are typically applied to molars and premolars since they are more susceptible to cavities. Sealants are primarily made from a special type of plastic resin. The resin is biocompatible, meaning it’s safe for your mouth.

The main purpose of dental sealants is to prevent cavities. Our back teeth have a lot of grooves and depressions, and it’s easy for food particles and bacteria to get stuck there. Even with good brushing, sometimes it’s hard to clean every nook and cranny. That’s where sealants come in. They fill in and smooth out these grooves, making it much harder for cavities to develop.

Who Can Benefit From Dental Sealants?

Anyone can benefit from sealants, but they are generally recommended for children when their permanent molars come in, typically between the ages of 6 and 12. This treatment is especially beneficial for children as it makes cleaning and maintaining the teeth easier, helping kids achieve independence in their oral health routine.

Still, sealants are a wise treatment for anyone prone to cavities. For teenagers and adults, they serve as a preventive strategy to protect teeth that have not yet been affected by decay or fillings.

The Process

Dental sealants are a simple yet effective treatment for protecting teeth from decay, especially in hard-to-clean areas. Whether you’re a parent considering sealants for your child or an adult looking to preserve your oral health, our team is here to provide tailored care and advice. When you visit for a routine exam, we may recommend dental sealants. If so, here’s what you can expect:

  • Cleaning: We begin the process by cleaning the surface of the tooth. It is important to remove any food particles or plaque hiding in the grooves before applying the coating.
  • Preparing the tooth: Next, we will apply a mild etching solution to the tooth. This solution gently roughens the surface, allowing a strong bond to form between the tooth and the sealant.
  • Rinsing and drying: Once the etching solution has done its job, we rinse it off and dry the tooth thoroughly to prepare it for the sealant application.
  • Applying the sealant: The sealant material is carefully painted onto the tooth enamel. It flows into and fills the tiny grooves and fissures in the tooth’s surface.
  • Curing the coating: We use a special curing light to harden the sealant. This process takes only a few minutes, but it’s essential for setting the sealant firmly in place.

Once the sealant has been set, we assess your bite and adjust as needed to ensure comfort and effectiveness.

Dental sealants are designed for longevity. They can last up to 10 years with proper care, though they should be checked regularly for chipping or wear during routine dental visits. Proper oral hygiene is also essential for maintaining your sealants. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental checkups will help prolong their lifespan.

Benefits Beyond Cavity Prevention

Dental Sealants in Colorado Springs, CO Vahid Bashi, DDSWhile the primary role of sealants is to prevent cavities, they offer additional benefits:

  • Time and cost-efficiency: Applying sealants is quick—it takes just a few minutes. Moreover, they prevent decay, saving the time and costs associated with cavity treatment.
  • Oral health improvement: Sealants contribute to overall oral health, reducing the risk of more serious dental issues in the future.
  • Non-invasive: The simple, non-invasive procedure causes no discomfort to the patient. No needles or anesthesia is needed, making it much easier than getting a filling.

Visit Us to Learn if Dental Sealants Are Right for You

Dental sealants can protect teeth from decay by forming a protective barrier against cavity-causing bacteria. They are particularly important for children, as they help safeguard the vulnerable grooves and fissures of their teeth during the cavity-prone years. Sealants contribute to a foundation of good oral health from an early age.

With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Bashi helps each patient achieve optimal oral health through tailored treatments. Don’t wait to safeguard your smile. Contact us today to schedule your visit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental sealants are generally considered safe. In rare cases, patients may be allergic to the sealant material. While the material contains a low level of bisphenol A (BPA), there is no evidence that this amount poses any significant health risks. According to the American Dental Association, more BPA exposure comes from handling receipts and using cosmetics.

If you have questions about the safety and side effects of dental sealants, we encourage you to discuss any concerns with Dr. Bashi.

Most insurance plans do cover dental sealants for children under 18. However, coverage details can differ. It is important to check with your insurance provider to understand how much they cover for this preventive treatment. We can help you confirm details on coverage, copayments, and any limitations to get a clear picture of how insurance can contribute to the cost of dental sealants.

The frequency of teeth cleaning varies among individuals based on factors like oral health, hygiene practices, and risk of dental issues. We typically recommend regular cleanings every six months, or twice a year.

It is important to consult with Dr. Bashi to determine the most effective cleaning schedule tailored to your specific oral health needs.